Garden tool Electric Earth Auger

GD49-2 49cc 1700w Garden tool Electric Earth Auger
Engine: 2-stroke, air-cooled
Displacement: 49cc
Rated output power: 1700w
Drilling rotational speed: 170rpm
Two stroke oil/gasoline mixing ration: 1:25
Drill Dia : 100/150/200/250mm
Packing: 620*410*310mm(engine)
22*22*82cm(φ150mm drill)
Packing: 835*550*285mm
(Engine with φ150mm drill)
Intended Use:
This earth auger is intended to work with soil,(digging holes for small trees,fence ground stakes and the like)which is designed to used with both hand for garding purpose.
Non Intended Use:
This machine is not designed for working with ice,excessively rocky ground and especially
in an area which with underground electric,gas,water or telephone lines.
This mchines is not deigned for use in any position other than the auger bit is in upright.