TheZ8612B core shooting machine adopt the precoatedsand to shot sand core. Themachine can shot solid sand core which in the limit of maximum moudling boardand maximum weight shot. Not only the 2 core shooting can work alone,but alsocan work together according to the difference of moulding.Not only the usercan put 2 same molds, but also can put 2 difference molds in each side. PLCprogrammable control. Convenient in operation and high efficiency. The switchingmode is vertical.
core shooter MainTechnical Specifications:
Mouldingboard size: 620x280mm (LXW)
Maximumweight of sand core: 20KG
Mouldassembly process: 400mm
Sandhopper capacity: 200kg
Drivemode: pneumatic
Operationmode: manual /auto
Systempressure: 0.55-0.65Mpa
Sandshoot pressure: 0.3-0.45 Mpa
Heatingmode: electric
Heatingpower: 25KW
Sandcore: phenolic resin cover sand
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