Product Description
ALMA Accent XL
2008 Alma Accent XL
Bi-polar handpiece
Uni-Large handpiece
Also Included:
Handpiece holders
Remote interlock switch
About Alma Accent XL
The first device of its kind, Accent®XL is a unique multi-application,Radio Frequency (RF) based platform for the non-invasive treatment ofcellulite, skin tightening and body shaping that is virtually painless.
The new Unilarge™ handpiece now delivers twice the surface area, withdouble the available energy. This means that treatments can be performedup to 30 percent faster - patients see results sooner and you improveyour bottom line.
The BiPolar handpiece creates local, superficial dermal heating ondelicate areas, such as the face
The exclusive UniPolar and UniLarge handpieces provide deep dermal andsubdermal heating of larger areas