4 way folding case & stand for iPad 2 / iPad 3
1.prevent unnecessary hurt on the body from the external environment, so your iPad 3 will look like
always new
2.Covered by surface folding to achieve multi-angle, multi-faceted support. The built-in magnet can
be a good fit with New IPad and has the funtion to have your machine power on or sleep
3.Keep every interface work freely and very well.
4. Reduced impact and crash, can effectively absorb part of the direct impact to protect your New iPad.
Product durability and tear-resistance, can effectively
5. The 4-Way fold comes into play with the front cover, which allows you several options of standing method - high portrait.
1st way folding stand:
2nd way folding stand
3rd way folding stand:
4th way folding stand:

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