We produce the TennisBall Cloth in various colors namely white, florescent yellow, red,green, blue, pink, orange,etc. We have the facility of producing thespecific colors as per ourcustomers demand. The fuzz, more properlycalled felt, is usually made ofwool treated with various additives tomake it last longer and resiststaining.
Tennis ball has an outer felt fabric comprisingat least two layersof non-woven fabric with the outer layer having aweight ratio of wooltherein greater than 45% and the inner or bottomlayer having a weightratio of wool therein less than 40%.
Thefabric felt is very important not only to the play performance ofthetennis ball, but also to the cosmetic quality of the finished ball.Thefuzz allows the ball to better interact with the air it istraveling inthe playing surface, and the racquet. The most expensiveingredient inthe tennis ball is the felt, which is adjusted in variousways to producedifferent properties.