QXY series Steel Pretrement shot blast Machine mainly consist of lading and unloading mechanism, input and output roller converoy, preheating cabinet, blasting machine, paint spray cabinet, drying cabinet, automatic check system, dust collector and eletric control system. The products can be either operated in line or independently used according to users' demands. Whole line f the equipment is controlled by PLC (programmable logic control) system.
Plate transfer arrangement on loading side is an optional to keep plate & waiting for
processing to load on loading roller conveyor.
Loading roller conveyor to convey the plate towards the Pre-heat chamber. The plate is kept
on the top side of the roller conveyor.
Pre-heat treatment chamber to electric operated convection heating oven with both open ends
to facilitate entry & exist of plate suitable for continuous operation.
On the blast chamber, numbers of blast wheel stations are located strategically around the
cabinet, which bombards shots on the passing plate at preselected travel speed for
homogeneously blasting on all side.
In the exit vestibule, the shots lying on the top surface of plate are wiped out to the
hopper by a V-type wiper arrangement.
The next chamber is equipped with double rotary type brush off arrangement to brush off
shots from the wide top surface of a plate to the hopper for further recycled in the system.
In blow off chamber, the two blowers are constantly blow-off shots accumulated on the top of
blasted plate & one blower is provided to blow off dust by from duly shot blasted plate
surface & finally the blow off dust is sucked by the suction nozzles connected to the inlet
of dust collector.
The shots recycling system consists of a long hopper with a long screw conveyor, which
transfers shots to cross screw conveyor installed in a pit. The cross screw conveyor directs
the shots flow to the boot section of elevator, which elevates shots from lower recycling
system to upper recycling system consists of upper screw conveyor, rotary screen & shots
storage hopper mounted on operator's platform. The shots are delivered to blast wheels
through Soundabrator valves.
The Reverse air jet self cleaning cartridge type filter dust collector is connected with
blast, brush & blow off chambers through proper shortest ducts.
The intermediate conveyor of approximately 2.75 meters long is provided for visualized
inspection the blasted surface of the plate
The online Paint spray booth consists of painting chamber with air inlets on both ends,
inlet air filters, reciprocating paining guns on top & bottom sides, paint trap filters,
axial flow fan, electric motor, duct and canopy etc.
The baking chamber is to back the paint on both sides of the primed surface of plate. The
plate travels on the slat conveyor, which conveys the plate at preselected suitable speed
for sufficient time of baking as well as to avoid the damage the painted surface of bottom
side of the plate.