CANUSB is a very small dongle that plugs into any PC USB Port and gives an instant CAN connectivity. This means it can be treated by software as a standard COM Port (serial RS232 port) which eliminates the need for any extra drivers or by installing a direct driver DLL for faster communications and higher CAN bus loads. Sending and receiving can be done in standard ASCII format.
Can handle up to 1Mbit/s CAN bitrate
Industrial Temp range -30C to +85C
USB 2.0 Full Speed,
Compliant to CAN 2.0A (11bit ID's) and CAN 2.0B (29bit ID's)
32 CAN frames deep FIFO buffer for incomming frames in CANUSB firmware
Time Stamp option in mS for incomming frames
CANbus connection according to CiA DS102-1 standard
Power supplied via USB
Free Interface DLL and ActiveX controller or low level Ascii Commands via USB driver
Green LED for CAN activity
Red LED for CAN error activity