1. The Principium for Direct-Plug
SolarWater Heating System by man-hand
Glass vacuum tubesabsorb energy from sunlight, and transfer the sunlight thermal to water intubes. Then the water temperature goes up and hot water rise to tank , coldwater in tank go down , circulation like so one day , and then the cold water insolar tank becomes hot water. When the tank is empty , the user should open theinput valve to let the cold water fill the tank. While overflow has cold watergo out , that means the tank is full, so user should close the inputvalve.
2. The Principium forDirect-plug Solar waterheater system with accessorial tank
This process leads tothe water's consistency decrease, hot water going up, floating at the top of thewater tank and the cold water going down. Frequent circulation makes the watertemperature increase. When using hot water, the water level in the water tank isgoing down, ball cock in the accessorial water is opened and the cold waterinflow.
3. The principium for Direct-Plug Solar water heater System withcontroller
Drive electromagneticvalve by using control, then fills water into the water tank. Glass vacuum tubeabsorbs the sun's energy, which makes the water heat solar watertank . The controller starts the electric heating, which makes thewater heating in the tank for the preparation when it often rains.
4. The principium for Direct-Plug solar system with pressure boostpump
All Direct-plug Solar waterheater installation is limited by height . It must be installed on highplace like roof, so as to make it have pressure , if there are no high place ,we should use pressure boost pump so that we may install the system on groundand use hot water on the height 5-20meter and the hot water pressure can be sameas the cold water pressure.
Direct-plug Solar waterheater types:
Solar hot water heater Features
A: Water tank: Import color steel
B: Inner: Food Grade StainlessSteel
C: Bracket: aluminum alloy or steel bracket
D: The structure isstable
F: different angle installation