Intended Use:
Cardiac Troponin I Fast Test Kit applies colloidal gold immunochromatography to detect cardiac
Troponin I(cTnI) in serum and plasma samples semi-quantitatively or quantitatively. This test is
used as an aid in the diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction such as Acute Myocardial Infarction,
Unstable Angina, Acute Myocarditis, and Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Application Field:
The Emergency Department, the Laboratory Department, the Internal Cardiology Department,
the Department of Cardiac Surgery, the community medical institution, and on-site emergency
treatment;Providing a fast bedside diagnosis for the patient.
Principle of the Procedure:
The test kit contains two high specific and sensitive anti-human cardiac Troponin I monoclonal
antibodies:one gold-labelled and coated on the polyester film, the other biotinylated and fixed on
the test line of the product. The antibodies form sandwich complexes withany cTnI that is present
in the blood sample. The sample passes through the detection zone, in which the cTnI sandwich
complexes gather along a line, appearing as a purplish red streak (the test or signal line). Excess
gold-labelled antibodies gather along the control line, signalling visually that the test is valid. The
intensity of the test line increases in proportion to the cardiac Troponin I concentration.