Intended Use:
One Step Test for NT-proBNP/cTnI(Colloidal Gold) applies colloidal gold immunochromatography
to detect N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide precursor/cardiac Troponin I(NT-proBNP/cTnI)in
serum and plasma samples semi -quantitatively or quantitatively. The combined detection of
NT-proBNP/cTnI can help doctors diagnose, prognose and grade Heart Failure and Acute
Coronary Syndrome more thoroughly.
Application Field:
The Emergency Department, the Laboratory Department, the Internal Cardiology Department,
the Department of Cardiac Surgery, the community medical institution, and on-site emergency
treatment;Providing a fast bedside diagnosis for the patient.
Principle of the Procedure:
Two high specific and sensitive anti-human cardiac Troponin I monoclonal anti bodies, one high
specific and sensitive NT-proBNP monoclonal antibody and one NT-proBNP polyclonal antibody
are used for the test strips. Among other things, one cTnI monoclonal antibody and the
NT-proBNP monoclonal antibody are biotinylated, gold-l abelled and coated on the polyester film,
the other cTnI monoclonal antibody and the NT-proBNP polycolonal antibody are fixed on the
test lines of the product.The antibodies form sandwich complexes with any NT-proBNP/cTnI in
the blood sample.The sample passes through the detection zone,in which the sandwich
complexes gather along a line, appearing as a purplish red streak(the test or signal l ine).
Excess gold-labelled antibodies gather along the control line, signaling visually that the test is
valid.The intensity of the test line increases in proportion to the NT-proBNP/cTnI concentration.