SKF Thrust roller bearings
Single direction thrust ball bearings
SKF single direction thrust ball bearings consist of a shaft washer, a housing washer and a ball and cage thrust assembly. The bearings are separable so that mounting is simple as the washers and the ball and cage assembly can be mounted separately.
Smaller sizes are available with either a flat seat surface on the housing washer (fig 1) or a sphered seat surface (fig 2). Bearings with a sphered housing washer can be used together with a sphered seat washer (fig 3) to compensate for misalignment between the support surface in the housing and the shaft. Sphered seat washers are available from SKF but must be ordered separately.
Single direction thrust ball bearings, as their name suggests, can accommodate axial loads in one direction and thus locate a shaft axially in one direction. They must not be subjected to any radial load.
SKF 29413E SKF 29414E SKF 29415E SKF 29416E
SKF 29317E SKF 29417E SKF 29318E SKF 29418E
SKF 29320E SKF 29420E SKF 29322E SKF 29422E
SKF 29324E SKF 29424E SKF 29326E SKF 29426E
SKF 29328E SKF 29428E SKF 29230E SKF 29330E
SKF 29430E SKF 29332E SKF 29432E SKF 29334E
SKF 29434E SKF 29236E SKF 29336E SKF 29436E
SKF 29338E SKF 29438E SKF 29240E SKF 29340E
SKF 29440E SKF 29244E SKF 29344E SKF 29444E
SKF 29248 SKF 29348E SKF 29448E SKF 29252
SKF 29352E SKF 29452E SKF 29256 SKF 29356E
SKF 29456E SKF 29360E SKF 29260 SKF 29460E
SKF 29264 SKF 29364E SKF 29464E SKF 29268
SKF 29368 SKF 29468E SKF 29272 SKF 29372
SKF 29472EM SKF 29276 SKF 29376 SKF 29476EM
SKF 29280 SKF 29380 SKF 29480EM SKF 29284
SKF 29384 SKF 29484EM SKF 29288 SKF 29388EM
SKF 29488EM SKF 29292 SKF 29392 SKF 29492EM
SKF 29296 SKF 29396 SKF 29496EM SKF 292/500
SKF 293/500 SKF 294/500EM SKF 292/530EM SKF 293/530
SKF 294/530EM SKF 292/560 SKF 294/560EM SKF 292/600EM
SKF 294/600EM SKF 292/630EM SKF 293/630EM SKF 294/630EM
SKF 292/670 SKF 294/670EM SKF 293/710EM SKF 294/710EF
SKF 292/750EM SKF 293/750 SKF 294/750EF SKF 292/800EM
SKF 293/800 SKF 294/800EF SKF 292/850EM SKF 294/850EF
SKF 294/900EF SKF 292/950EM SKF 294/950EF SKF 292/1060EF