Specifications | Capacity | 1GB,2GB,4GB,8GB,16GB,32GB |
Dimension | 0.43" x 0.59" x 0.039" (11mm X 15mm X 1mm) |
Weight | 2.0g ± 5% |
Operating Temperature | 13º F to 185º F (-25º C to 85 º C) |
Storage Temperature | 40º F to 185º F (-40º C to 85º C) |
| |
Features | 1.micro sd card Compliant with the SD Specification Version 2.00 |
2.Versatile when combined with the adapter, can be used as a full-size SDHC card |
3.Compatible with microSDHC host devices;not compatible with standard microSD-enabled device/readers |
4.File Format FAT 32 |
5.Reliable lifetime warranty micro sd card |
6.Capacity: 512Mb,1GB,2GB,4GB, 8GB, 16GB,32GB |
7.Dimensions 0.43 x 0.59 x 0.039 ( 11mm x 15mm x 1mm) |
8.Operating temperatures -13°F to 185°F (-25°C to 85°C) |
9.Storage temperatures -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C) |
10.Weight .05 oz (1.4g) |
Brand / OEM / Customer Logo available |
Warranty : Lifetime |
High Write / Read Speed |
Packing : Blister,Original package |