1. Wemajor in manufacturing various excavactor accessories & parts.
2. 12years professional experience

Sincetipping links are not bushed, the bores will eventallly wear out and needreplacing.
Damageto both bucket links andtipping linkscanresult from bucket pins coming adrift during digging, or from fouling on itemssuch as lifting chains. Damaged links should be replaced immediately to avoidfurther damage to the bucket, dipper arm, and bucket ram.
Foryour convenience we stock the tipping links in pairs, and the bucket linkswithout bushes, giving you the option of re-using bushes where they are still ingood condition.
Komatsu | Caterpillar |
PC60 | E70B |
PC100 | E120 |
PC120 | E307 |
PC200-5 | E312 |
PC200-6/7 | E320 |
PC300 | E330B |
PC400 |
Sumitomo |
Hitachi | SH120-A1 |
EX60 | SH120-A3 |
EX70 | SH200 |
EX100 | SH280 |
EX120 |
EX200 | Hyundai |
EX330-1 | R55 |
EX330-2/5 | R60 |
ZX230/240 | R220 |
ZX330 | R200 |
ZX450 | R300 |
Kobelco | Dawoo |
SK60 | DH55 |
SK100 | DH220 |
SK200 | DH280 |
SK230 | DH1430 |
SK350 |
Kato |
Yuchai | HD450 |
YC85-5 | HD512 |
HD820 |
Sunward |
SWE50 |
SWE60 |
SWE70 |
Ourmain products include: engineering mechanical fittings, such as buckets, trackrollers, track links, track shoes, idlers, sprockets, teeth, bolts and nuts,pins, bushings ,cylinders, booms arms and slew bearings which are suitable toall types of excavators, tractors and dozers. We can produce 350,000 wheels and30,000 caterpillar assemblies. Products are sold to Southeast Asia, Europe andAmerica and occupy a high reputation in both domestic and overseasmarkets.
Ourproducts are manufactured according to the international standards with uniqueprocess and strictly quality control. With our engineering expertise, high techequipment and techniques and top class raw materials we win good reputationamong customers. Furthermore, our special heat treatment processes bringconsistent surface hardness, superior quality hardening depth and strong corehardness results in excellent wear resistance, strength and durability for longlife of our products.
Westrive to provide all customers with reliable products, competitive prices andtimely delivery to meet or exceed customers' requirements and expectations. Wecordially welcome the customers over the world to consult and patronize, on thebasis of mutual benefits and create refulgence together.