BMW HITAG 2 Device Programmer V3.1 + 2.01 CAS1 PROG
1: Read/Write CAS1 EEPROM By OBDII
2: Key Read/Wrirte Via OBD2 in CAS1
3: Synchization DME/DDE and CAS
4: Hitag2 V3.10 Maker for the CAS1 CAS2 CAS3 (HITAG-2 Device Programmer V3.1)
5: BMW 2.01 Function
BMW Scanner E6x (version 2.0.1)
for chassis E60/E61(5') E63/E64(6') E65/E66(7') E87(1') E90/E91(3')
BMW Scanner E6x V2.0.1 is intended to work with BMW 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 series in "new" chassis.
1.Connecting with all electronic control modules in the vehicle.
2.For all electronic control units reading identification data, sw/hw versions, user information fields.
3.For all electronic control units read and clear error (DTCs) memories - standart, shadow, history memory.
4.Possibility to read/program memory of electronic control units (including CAS modules).
5.odometer correction CAS by OBDII
HITAG 2 Device Programmer V3.1
HITAG standard abbreviations :
PST - Programmable Security Transponder
STARC - Security Transponder and RISC Controller
ACTIC-Pro - Active Tag IC and Processor
S/N - Serial Number
PSW - Password
SK - Secret Key
CFG - Transponder Configuration
USER - User Memory Pages
IDE - Identifier
ISK - Immobilizer Secret Key
TMCF - Transponder and Memory Configuration
RCFG - Remote Configuration Pages
RSK - Remote Secret Key
RCF - Remote Configuration
SYNC - Remote Synchronization Page
Abbreviations of the software :
TM - Transponder Memory
TD - Transponder Data
CRK - Crypto Key
HITAG-2 Device Programmer V3.1
HiTag2 v.3.1 programmer is universal keys programmer, with additional options of keys programming from dump and PIN extraction. Just insert blank key or appropriate transponder you need to program. Device detects transponder type and will do everything automatically!
Features of HiTag2 programmer:
1.Latest versions of HiTag2 transponders are fully supported!
2.Widest range of supported cars, using HiTag2 protocol!
3.Deep research work, has allowed us to make device, as much as possible correctly adding keys in the car, without damage to its functionality!
4.Correct BMW keys programming - RADIO REMOTE is working!
Available languages - English
Key generation from dump is available for the following cars:
1.BMW (CAS1/2/3/3 +) at 912/9S12 immo + remote control, editing, KM, VIN, reading data from the key, read / write eeprom of the transponder, reading data from remote
2.AUDI (Kessy) on 93C66 immo + remote, read PIN, edit VIN number and immo
3.VW (Kessy) on 93C86 immo + remote, read PIN, edit VIN number and immo
4.PORSCHE (Kessy) on 93C86 immo + remote, read PIN, edit VIN number and immo
5.BENTLEY (Kessy) on 93C86 immo + remote, read PIN, edit VIN number and immo
6.CHRYSLER (State) on the 95040/95080 immo + remote, read PIN, VIN Edition
7.LAND ROVER (EWS) to immo 9S12, editing VIN
8.NISSAN (NATS) at 95,080 immo
9.OPEL (CIM) in the 9S12 immo + remote, read PIN, VIN Edition
10.RENAULT (UCH) on 93C66 immo + remote, read PIN, VIN Edition
11.SAAB (CIM) for the 93LC66 immo + pilot edition of the VIN