The PC-based service tools fromCaterpillar provide the capability to access Electronic Control Modules (ECMs)from a personal computer. Many job-critical tasks can be performed with anelectronic service tool. The user can display the status of a group ofparameters (temperatures, pressures, etc.) simultaneously, view active and clearlogged diagnostics, display the current configuration of an ECM and much more.The service tool works with a communication adapter to allow connection to anECM. A graphical interface makes this software quick to learn and easy to use. Aseparate pull-down menu for each function enhances the a??ease of use.a?? Theversion and identification of the ECM is automatically retrieved and isdisplayed on a summary screen when the program is started. Diagnostic tests andcalibrations can also be performed.
Caterpillar PC-based tools enableservice technicians to reprogram ECMs, reconfigure control system parameters,fine tune performance or diagnose the root cause of a failure the first time.These powerful tools allow service personnel to display and analyze vitalperformance and health information from any system quickly and accurately. Theservice tool communicates with any system using ATA (J1708), J1939 or theCaterpillar proprietary data link networks. The service tools provideinformation and features needed to help a technician diagnose problems andperform repairs and to customize and personalize the operation of a product. Byallowing customers to design flexibility and configurability into a product,Caterpillar service tools stretch beyond the capabilities of preprogrammed ECMsor onboard display systems.
Display, graph and log statusparameters.
Retrieve prognostic data includinghistograms, engine totals for fuel used and miles traveled.
View active diagnostics and clear loggeddiagnostics. View events where irregularities have occurred and have been loggedby the ECM.
Perform calibrations to enhanceperformance of the ECM.
Customize the ECM withapplication-specific settings.
Over 100 custom Diagnostic, Informationand Service features including:
2D and 3D Histogram plotting capability(engine software support required).
Custom Status screen groups
Snapshots (Download and display snapshotdata recorded by the ECM)
Configuration Aid that allowsupload/download of same
configuration to multiple controlmodules
Customised Service ToolOptions
Customized service toolname
Customized graphics for the splashscreen and icons
Customized installation
Aftermarket differentiation, the toolfor one customer does not work on the product of another customer.
Licensing options for customermanagement
Flash programming of theECM(s)
Training demonstration allowsfamiliarity with the toola??s primary functions without connecting toECM(s)
Major operating systems support(Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, 2000, ME, & XP)
Perform customized diagnostic tests toidentify harness problems, cylinder or component failures (Automatic CylinderCutout with cylinder to cylinder fueling comparison)
Languages currentlysupported: Danish, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese,Portuguese and Spanish.
CAT main unit
USB cable
3 interface cables