Security paper which consists of watermark paper ,security fiber paper and security thread paper is used widely in govermentsectors, financial industry, education systerm and commercial service fornational taxation registry certificate , various commercial bills , varioustickets and certifications.Watermark is embedded in the paper duiring the papermaking processwhen a dandy roll presses the design into the wet paper and it is made the sametime with the paper. It intincludes fixed watermarkand full-page watermark with white and black two tone. We can make the companyname , logo, product name or other thing into watermark and add thepaper.
Security fiber paper is made by addingcolored (red, blue, etc.) fiber or colorless fluorescence fiber into the paperpulp and can be divided into colorful fibers and colorless fluorescence fiber.The former type is visible with naked eyes on the surface of the paper, and thelatter one is only visible under the ultraviolet rays with the colors of red,blue or orange, etc. They can be thick or thin, short or long. Fiber usuallydistributes in a random way, therefore the density is different in differentplaces.