Product Description
Pristine Water offer best in line solutions for Disinfection of water,Algae Prevention & Bio Fouling Control based on Electrochlorination.Biofouling,Algae destroyer,Electrochlorination,Algae removal
Electrochlorination package,Electrochlorination system,Our team consists of mechanical,electrical,electro-chemical and project management professionals based on the scope of the project.Chlorine disinfection,Effluent treatment plant electrochlorinators,Pristine Water's team of qualified and experienced engineers execute challenging and complex projects in the field of Electrochlorination.Rural drinking water,Municipal wastewater,We provide onsite solutions for Disinfection and Algae Prevention & Bio Fouling control.
Onsite solutions,Onsite disinfectant generation,Onsite electrochlorination,Onsite disinfectant generation,Established customers base,Innovative solutions to meet customer's need.Effluent treatment plant electrochlorinators,Electro Chlorinators,Electrochlorination is a chemical process which uses water,common salt and electricity to produce Sodium Hypochlorite(NaOCl).Electrochlorination,Sodium hypochlorite producer,Sea water electrochlorinator,The final area of concern is the possibility of chlorate ion formation.
Chlorine based water treatment,Onsite Chlorine generator,Chlorine disinfection,Chlorine disinfection,Chlorine generator,Chlorine generators,A certain minimum amount of residual concentration of the disinfectant in water to ensure continued disinfection during water storage.Safe Water System,Urban wastewater treatment,Rural drinking water,The main purpose of disinfecting drinking water is to kill bacteria and virus which cause dreaded diseases.
Wastewater management,Water Electro chlorinator,Urban wastewater treatment,Continuous Production Electorchlorinators are designed for high capacity production from brine solution.Sodium Hypochlorite generator,Sodium hypochlorite generation,Sewerage treatment,The Concentric tubular electrode is a design innovation that has significantly improved the Sodium Hypochlorite generation process.Sewage treatment,Sewerage treatment.
Electrochlorination is a chemical process which uses water, common salt and electricity to produce Sodium Hypochlorite(NaOCl). Electrochlorination,Electrochlorination package,Electrochlorination is a chemical process which uses water, common salt and electricity to produce Sodium Hypochlorite.Electrochlorination skid,Electrochlorination system,Electrochlorinator,This produces Sodium Hypochlorite instantaneously which is a strong disinfectant. This is then dosed in water in the required concentration to disinfect water, or to prevent Algae Formation and Bio Fouling.Sodium hypochlorite generation,Electrochlorination.
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