The ISV series line suction filter is composed of hose, element, by-pass valve and visualindicator and electrical indicator. It is light in weight and strong. It can be installed verticallyin the pipe line out of the tank and won't affect the arrangement of the pipe line. The tank si-ze is not limited by filter. This series filter has features as follows:
a). Visual indicator: when filter element is clogged by contaminants, the red signal of visual
indicator will rise slowly; the element should be changed or cleaned when the red signal rises to the top-position. Push the restorer to allow the red signal ring downfall after changing or cleaning element.
b).Electrical indicator: when filter element is clogged by contaminants, and the vacuum pressure reaches -0.018Mpa in filter outlet, the electrical indicator will act and indicate that the
element should be changed or cleaned in that time.
c).By-pass valve: when the vacuum pressure reaches -0.02MPa, the by-pass valve will auto-matically open to protect the pump safety.
ISV20-40C LX-40
ISV25-63C LX-63
ISV32-100C LX-100
ISV40-160C LX-160
ISV50-250C LX-250
ISV65-400C LX-400
ISV80-630C LX-630
ISV90-800C LX-800
ISV100-1000C LX-1000