Kami Le-su 8020 (liquid type) & Kami Le-su 8010 (powder type) are developed for purpose of making construction property and durability of concrete. It will meet the required work-ability, transferring quality and opening hours of concrete as long as adding a bit of Kami Le-su 8020 or Kami Le-su 8010. The concentration is 18% according to the need of our application, and the reference ratio to concrete is 0.3%-1.6%, or making a reasonable ratio depends on the materials at the site and trial.
1 With functions of super anti-collapse and plastification.
Both of Kami Le-su 8020 and Kami Le-su 8010 .can meet the demanding environment-protection requirement during production and of the products' own. They can also greatly extend the opening hours and anti-collapse of concrete, with functions of water decrease, dispersion and plastification at the same time.
2 Can stimulate the potential development of concrete strength.
Both of Kami Le-su 8020 and Kami Le-su 8010 .can not only stimulate the development of concrete strength in the early stage, but also keep stable high strength growth in the later stage.