Brief Introduction:
Kami Le-su 8018 is more applied in the production of ready-mixed concrete for commercial use, or in the production or construction in large and medium-sized projects. It is used to make the concrete projects with qualities of low water-binder ratio, high flow patter, high anti-collapse, high strength or super-high strength.
1 Reduce water needs of concrete.
Kami Le-su 8018 in concrete application has good water-reducing performance.
2 Provide a positive high strength growth of concrete.
Kami Le-su 8018 can meet the requirements like strong compressive capability, high mechanical properties and high strength growth of concrete. It also can transcend the influence of the functional limitation, caused by traditional benzene series additives.
3 Realize high liquidity of concrete.
Kami Le-su 8018 makes concrete with high liquidity, showing its
excellent spreading property and the auto-flow ability.