VCX HD Heavy Duty Truck Diagnostic Scanner
VCX HD(VCX Heavy Duty) is designed according to industry standard of RP1210A/B, it is PC-to-vehic e interface
compatib e with mu tip e software app ications, it is avai ab e to diagnose most of heavy trucks, Buses, Grabs,
Cranes and Engineering Machines for minimizing your investment in mu tip e brand-specific diagnostic interfaces.
Industry standard RP1210 A/B comp iance
F exib e configuration supports USB wired and 802.11b/g WIFI wire ess connectivity
Adapters and cab es se f-determination for mo ding, durab e and faci ity usage
Support 12V and 24V vehic es communication, Avai ab e to diagnose heavy and ight trucks
Protoco coverage for automotive to heavy duty vehic es:
CAN - J1939/CAN125/CAN250/CAN500
2nd CAN - J1939/CAN125/CAN250/CAN500
CE and FCC comp iance for hardware
Firmware Updatab e ,Keep improving