Most Popular net- Drawstring Cast Net
When selecting a cast net, you must ask yourself some important question in order to pick the right net for your intended use, first, what size baitfish are you pursuing? The size of your bait directly relates to the mesh size you need on your net. Second, where are you going to be using your cast net? The type of water environment you will be using your net in and its depth should play a part in helping you determine your best cast net weight. Third, how much bait do you intend catch and how fast do you want to catch it? This question will determine which radius size is best for you. Remember that larger radius nets (8 to 14 ft.) will allow you to catch more bait in less time, but they also require a better throwing technique than smaller nets. Additionally, more time should be allowed to extract your catch from the larger nets. The best all around choice for most anglers is the smaller radius cast net (3 to 7 ft.). You will still catch good quantities of bait and have the good fortune of spending less time extracting your catch. While on the subject of radius size, please remember to check your state game and fish regulations before deciding on any particular net. Now we will break down the above information into a chart that will help you in your pursuit of fresh live bait.
Twine: 210D/4-6-9
Length: 3-12 FT
Mesh: 3/4,3/8.1/2,1
Weight:/FT: 0.75lb,1lb,1.25lb.