Product Description
PVC/PE Steel Wire reinforcing Soft Pipe for Dust Collector and extension tube Production Line
The unit is used to produce PVC soft pipe with steel wirereinforcing. The pipe wall is soft PVC plastic, in which there arespiral steel wire. The pipes have the strong point of pressure andcorrosion resistance and antistatic. It is used to convey the pressureor corrosive gas and liquid, vent impure liquid. It is widely used insuch areas as mechanical engineering, chemical industry, architecture,agriculture irrigation, vacuum device and dust collector soft pipe.
Dust Collector Spiral Soft Pipe Production Line
The PVC and PE spiral reinforcing pipe have the advantage ofpressure and corrosive resistance, negative pressure and bendresistance. It is used to convey the gas, liquid and powder material. Itis widely used in industry, agriculture, architecture, waterconservancy irrigation and dust collec