1.SELLERissues Soft Offer to the Representative of the Buyer thenBuyer sign andseal to accept Soft Offer. (Gross and net price)
2.SELLERwill issue NCNDA/IMFPA tothe buyer and buyer mustfull fill and completed all information with signand sealNCDNA/IMFPA thensend back to SELLER via E-mail.
3.SELLER will send draft ICPO to buyer with the PetroleumProviderAddresses with the Net price and buyer issue ICPO direct to PetroleumProviderAddress with the Net price with Full Banking details andmust beaccompanied with the Buyer's Full details and a copyhis international passport (Data Page) to SELLER by E-mail.
4. PetroleumProvider countersign and verify all Documentations before issuing the FULLCORPORATE OFFER. And will send FULLCORPORATE OFFER to buyer SELLER then Buyer signs and returns FULLCORPORATE OFFER to Petroleum Provider via SELLER by E-mail.
5.ThePetroleum Provider issues draft contract initials on everypage, signs andseals and send it to the Buyer for Buyer'ssignature and seal (withamendments if any) then Buyer counterssign and seals the draft contractand sends to Petroleum Providervia SELLER by E-mail.
6. ThePetroleum Provider sends the Final ApprovedContract tothe Buyer with the Draft Official Letter of Acceptance via SELLER E-mail.Then Buyer issues an Official Letter of Acceptance to The PetroleumProvider via SELLER by E-mail.
7.Refinery/The Petroleum Provider issues the Affidavit (stating thetransfer of Allocation to Buyer), Product Passport (ReportAnalysis)and the Official Commitment to Supply to the Buyer viaSELLER by E-mail.
8. Buyerissue ConditionalMT103/23 orIrrevocable,Confirmed,Transferable andOperative LC (coveringthe total value charge of the firstShipment) to the Refinery NominatedBanking Coordinates, within five (5) banking days after receipt ofthe
a. Affidavit(stating the transfer of Allocation to Buyer)
b. Product Passport (Report Analysis)
c. The Official Commitment to Supply.
9.ThePetroleum Provider’s bank Swift the FULL POP (Proof ofProduct) andoperative 2% PB to the Buyer’s Bank. The PetroleumProvider’s bank willproviding the following documents as FULLPROOF OF PRODUCT:
a. Copy of license to export, issued by the department of the ministry of energy.
b. Copy of approval to export, issued by the department of the ministry of justice.
c. Copy of statement of availability of the product.
d. Copy of the Refinery commitment to produce the product.
e. Copy of the contract to transport the product to the loading port.
f.Refinery Certificate of Product. (SGS report, Tank receipts, Dip test authorization)
g. Copy of the port storage agreement.
h. Copy of the charter party agreement(s) to transport the product to discharge port.
10.Deliverycommences as per contract and the shipment should arrive atBuyer’sdischarge port within 25 - 30 days after the receipt andconfirmation ofthe Conditional MT103/23 orIrrevocable,Confirmed,Transferable andOperative LC (coveringthetotal value charge of the first Shipment).
11. TheBuyer will issue Payment Instrument for subsequent Monthly Deliverywithin7 (Seven) Banking Days after receipt of the Good under theConditionof CIF ANY SAFE WORLD PORT, and after presentation of all relevantshipping documents from the Seller’s Bank to the Buyer’s Bank.
12.Buyerwill make direct payment to Refinery Bank for each Shipment,within seven(7) Banking days after receipt of the product underthe agreed conditionand after presentation of the accuratedocuments to the Buyer’s Bank. ThenThe Buyer must do TTWire Transfer or MT103 for Consultantservice, Commission to theall accounts as per NCNDA/IMFPA (With in 24hours.)