Air filters and regulators combinationscomeinvarioussizes and shapes from the simple mechanical type usedbyautomechanicsand body shop technicians, to thesophisticatedcomputercontrolled,sensitive air filter/dryer/coolingregulatorsystems that areused onexpensive, larger industrial machines.
Air filters and regulators combinations work?
The main purpose of an
Air filter and regulator combinationistotakemoisture out of the air that runs through a hose lineonaircompressors.Simply put, they regulate the filters that areattachedtoair compressors.
For example, when you fill up your tires with air, each tire holds a certain amount of air pounds per square inch (PSI). The
Air filter and regulator combination gauges the amount of air so that the tires will receive the correct amount.
Air filters and regulators combinations functionasatwo stage process. The filtration part functionsthroughdifferentmediatypes like wire-mesh strainers that will catchlargeparticles.Theregulator portion of the apparatus has an installedgaugedesignedtoregulate the amount of material (air, water or paint)thatisemittedfrom the compressor.
Uses of
Air filters and regulators combinations:
Air filters and regulators combinationsareusedon air compressors for regulating theamount of paint thatisemitted fromindustrial paint guns. They arealso used in dentalofficesand hospitalsand on construction sites forjack hammers.Mechanics usethem for raisinglifts and on impact gunsfor changing tiresand
Air filters and regulators combinations are used in the industrialsector's manufacturing process.
Product name:
AFR2000 Air Filters and Regulators