RT2571+RT2528 Chipset
802.11 b/g compliance
USB2.0/1.1, 2.4GHz Peak rate 54Mbps
External antenna via IPEX receptacle
WHQL;Cisco CCX Linux 2.6X;Mac OSX
Windows CE,Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Operating Voltage: 3.3VDC ( or 5VDC) +/-5%
USB Connection : 4-pin,2.0mm pitch male jumper
Size:41.0*19.0*8.8(Pin height)mm
Complies with IEEE 802.11b/g.
Dynamic data rate:Maximum data rate up to 54mbps .Auto fallback switching with 54,48,36,24,18,12,11,9,6,5.5,2 and 1Mbps.
Security support for 64/128 WEP,WPA,WPA2.
Operates in 2.4GHz frequency bands.
Antenna configuration:I-PEX socket for extemal antenna.
Standards IEEE802.11b/g
Frequency USA(FCC)2.412GHz~2.462GHz (channel1 -11)ISM band
Europe(CE):2.412GHz~2.472GHz(channel1-13)ISM band
Channel Bandwidth 20MHz
Protocols 802 .11b:CCK,QPSK,BPSK,802.11g:OFDM
Antenna External Antenna via I-PEX receptacle
Security WPA/WPA2,64/128/152-bit VEP,VPS
Transmit Output Power 11b:19±1.0Bm @11Mbps
11g:15±1.0Bm @54Mbps
Receive Sensitivity 11b:-83dBm @ 11Mbps(Typical)
11g:-68dBm @ 54Mbps(Typical)
Operating Voltage 3.3VDC±5% (or 5.0VDV±5% upon special requirement)
Bus Intreface USB2.0
USB Connection 4-pin,2.0mm pitch male jumper
Antenna Impedance 50 ohm
Software and system Informatiom
Operation System CPU Supplier Driver
Linux2.4/2.6 ARM,MPSLL Available
Windows 2000XP/Vista X86 Platform Available
Windows CE5.0/6.0 ARM,MIPSLL Available