Product Description
The LE-9000 Series Lens Edgers provide the features and quality youexpect from Santinelli International, like ease-of-use, unsurpassedaccuracy and our exclusive Crystal Cut edge polish. An on-board tracerprovides highly accurate 3-D tracing with minimal pressure, eliminatingframe distortion and an unprecedented 32,000 reference points per eye –the highest in the industry! Frame PD is also automatically measured,eliminating the need for manual measurement and input. The LE-9000 LensEdger offers fast, accurate and consistently reliable lens processing atevery step of the operation, from frame tracing to edging.
The NIDEK LE-9000-SX Express PLB cuts CR-39 plastic, Polycarbonate, HighIndex, and Trixex material. It also polishes, safety bevels and groovesyour lens to perfection.
LE-9000-SX Express PLB edger
Mini Ice Blocker
Accessory Calibration Kit and original tool set
Original Manuals, on CD-ROM & hard copy
Single Vision Uncut Lenses, CR-39, Poly
Plumbing:automatic shut-off valves, 2 water pumps.
Blocks several types, double sided tape, de-blocking tool.
Lab Bench the Edger / Blocker sit on (appx 48" wide x 24" deep), and 22Drawer Heavy-Duty Steel Cabinet for Uncut Lenses.