13 channels DMX-512 led moving head light
Strobe: 1-20times/second
Dimmer: RGB 0—100% linear dimmer
Color: RGB no polar color-mixed system.
Control: DMX512, Auto, Sound Actived, Master/Slave
Automatic model (stand alone) color change, color strobe,
color dimmer,Color gradual change/color jump change
Sound-controlled via built-in microphone
Control-Board with 4-digit display
DMX-control via every standard DMX-controller
Extremely long life, low power consumption, minimal heat
emission, defacto maintenance free with brilliant light
Voltage: AC110/60Hz or 230V/50Hz Power: 50W/120W
Lamp: 36pcs 1W/3W high brightness leds
Carton: L255*W255*H450mm