Product Description
Name Grape Seed Extract
Botanical Name Vitis vinifera L.
Source Any of various vitaceae of grapes which are liana native to temperate zone and subtropical zone, having alternate leaves and elliptical and spherical berries, composed of grape skin, juice and seed, become mature between Sep. And Oct. The grapes are grown in every place of China.
Used Part Grape Seed
Active Ingredient
Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins( OPC )
Specification 95%(OPC) 85%(PP)
Appearance: Red-brown fine powder
Solubility: Soluble in ethanol & water
Scavenges free radical
Enhances capillary strength and vascular function
Prevents cardiovascular disease
Increases peripheral circulation and improves vision
Enhances immune resistance
Reduces adverse allergic and inflammatory responses
Reduces aging and loss of elasticity in skinUsage
Medicine Dietary supplement and beverage