Two types include coating type and wrapping type, wrapping type divided into upper wrapping type and side wrapping type. As per customer's requirement, equipment can be fixed put, drop put or several extruders combine together for use.

Droppable upper wrapping type PE coating system
Coating type steel pipe get through the die tooling and then coating, mainly fit for 600mm below steel pipe coating, have the merits of convenient use, coating well-distributed, surface smooth and bright and low cost. Straight line transportation and wrap coating, different size steel pipe coating with different type of die tooling.
Side wrapping type with die tooling beneath steel pipe, PE and adhesive rollers nether, adhesive and PE
extruder are set up vertically (also can set up parallelly to save place), extruders moveable as per distance between die tooling and steel pipe specification, also die tooling adjustable up & down as per angle between sheet between steel pipe to assure
sheet can be wrapping on steel pipe smoothly.
Easy adjustment and low coast, also can work without guide roller. Also have some disadvantages such as output low, energy cost, operation affected due to
PE and adhesive rollers below the steel pipe, must equip with auxiliary roller when processing small steel pipe(below 762mm ),or the steel
pipe easy jump and produce bubble in coating layer to effect product quality.