msn email :sale02 at obdiichina doc com
skype: obdiichina02
New MB Benz key programmer
This key programmer is suited for M. Benz models: W140, W163 from
1995 to 2000 that have "DAS BOX" or "AAM BOX". It can Read the data
of DAS & AAM, and then Write it into a new key or key-chip.
Please take note that a key or key - chip can be written just once and
can not be rewritten. That means the old key can not be programmer
again .The key or key-chip which you want to be programmed must be new.
With this programmer, all lost or stolen keys can be replaced with new
programmed keys.
Read the information from DAS & AAM and Program keys
Support MCU type: 0D53J, 0D69J, 0D62J, 0G47V
Support transponder type: PCF7935, PCF7930
New MB Benz key programmer MB Benz key programmer mb benz key prog new benz key programmer benz key programmer transponder programmer