Series AD air dryer device is special for drying the electric equipments and providing the dry air. When operation and maintenance, electrical equipments, such as transformer and reactor, are quite easy to be moistened. Series AD air dryer supplies dry air to solve this problem, anoxia asphyxia will never happen to maintenance people. It's more safe, reliable, convenient and economical than by using bottled gas. It is not influenced by bad weather conditions, especially for overnight working, just to fill 0.02-0.03MPa dry air into equipment after sealing all flanges. Electric equipments Oil filling and oil drainage is unnecessary, which can shorten working period and improve maintenance effect. During oil filtration, it can fill dry air into oil equipment block and oil to improve oil insulation and decrease the moisture.
Series AD air dryer adopts low pressure oil-less compressed system and low-temperature condensation moisture removal technology, with the merits of small dimension, light weight, easy operation, energy saving and high reliability.
1.ZY-high effective vacuum transformer oil purifier, oil filtration
2.ZYD-Double stages insulating oil purifier, oil treatment, oil purification
3.ZYM-Mobile/trailer type transformer oil treatment, oil filtration machine
4.AD-Air dryer for drying electric equipments
5.TY-Turbine oil purifier, oil treatment
6.TJ-Coalescence and separating oil filter, oil purifier machine
7.TYA-Lubricating oil purifier/hydraulic oil purification
8.TYK- Phosphate ester fire-resistant oil purifier, oil filtration machine
9.JZS-Engine oil regeneration system, waste oil recycling
10.BZ-Transformer oil regeneration device, oil purifier
11.PF-Plate pressure oil filter, oil purifier machine
12.JL-Portable oil purifier, oil filtering, oil filter
13.TPF-Cooking oil refinery,vevetable oil recycling
14.IIJ-II-BDV oil tester, insulating oil dielectric strength tester
15.NKEE-Oil moisture sensor, water content sensor
(oil filtration, oil purification, oil treatment, oil purifier, oil recycling, oil processing, oil filtering, energy saving, oil regeneration, oil processor, oil filter, oil process, oil purify, oil regenerating, oil restoration, waste oil disposal, oil reclaimed, oil reclaiming, waste oil management, oil regenerate, oil reconditioned, oil reconstituted, oil restituting, oil recovering, oil recondition, oil filters, oil refinery, oil refiner, oil cleaning, oil recycle, oil reclaiming, oil separator, oil recovery, oil recycle, oil reclamation, oil refinery, oil separator, oil separation, oil purifiers, oil recondition)