Woven Wire Mesh & Cloth
Woven wire mesh, or woven wire cloth, is one of the most versatile products around. It can be made with openings ranging from 1", which can be used in applications ranging from security mesh to architectural sculptures to concrete reinforcement, all the way to a 635 Mesh with openings of a few microns, which can be used to filter some of the smallest particles in the world.
Stainless steel wire mesh is the most common type, and is therefore fairly economical. A variety of other alloys are available as well, as wire mesh can be woven with a wide range of metals and alloys to suit different applications.
Different weave styles are available, including plain weave which has every wire going over and under every other wire, and twilled weave where the wires cross two over and two under. We offer a variety of Dutch weaves as well.
Please contact us and let us be your source for woven wire mesh products.