The Volcano Vaporizer Digit also features aneasy to ready temperature display whichdisplays the current temperature the heatingsystem is at as well as your desired temperature.
The Volcano Vaporizer Digit temperature controlsdisplay in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.
One of our favorite new upgrades is theautomatic shut off feature, if you leavethe Volcano Vaporizer Digit unattendedfor more then 20 minutes.
The Volcano Vaporizer Digit is compatiblewith both the all new EasyValve system as well as the original SolidValve system.
Volcano Vaporizer Digit Facts
The Volcano Vaporizer is considered the
latestprogression in the field of vaporizer science.
A Volcano Vaporizer allows you to have complete
liberty while enjoying your tobacco or aromablend . The vent-balloondelivery device allows the Volcano Vaporizer to
stand apart from all vaporizers on the market.
VolcanoVaporizer reviews show that the Volcano Vaporizerscored the highest in ease of use.Making it possible for Volcano Vaporizer vent-balloonto be filled with minimal effort by a VolcanoVaporizer user.
Considering the Volcano Vaporizer fills the vent-balloonup with enough vapor to provide severalvaporizer hits from one. The Volcano Vaporizervent-balloon also allows for vapor storageup to 8 hours.