Cataloge Number: DLBR(D)4002-D DOG Cage
Description: Pet Product/Pet/Bird Cage/Dog Cage/Pet
Cage/Cage/Pet House/Parrot Cage/Rat
Cage/metal/Animal house
- Size: 61 x 42.6 x 50 cm
- Anti-rust black E-coating finish long lasting
- Quick assembling
- Easy to transport and storage
- New design anti-skid plastic tray easy to clean
- Round corner for safety
- Safe and secure slide bolt latches
- Includes handle
We could offer this kind of product with different size: DLBR(D)4002-D, DLBR(D)4003-D
DLBR(D)4004-D, DLBR(D)4005-D, DLBR(D)4006-D