2 Day Diet
The features of 2 day diet
1.Fat reduction-Low calories intake.Prevents the carbohydrates and sugars inverting into fat,hence reducing the fat remain in the body.
2.60% fat elimination-60%dietary fat would be eliminated out of the body,hence reducing fat absorption.
3.Fat burning-Speed up the metabolism,increase fat burning rate for burning off excessive fats and enable you to excecise in the body for 24 hours
[Ingredinets]:LingZhi,Ebony,Fox-nut,Tuckahoe,Seman,Pruni,Discoreae,Wheat Germ,Nature Substance.
[Usage]:Take one capsule before breakfast,once daily.If without any discomfort after 3days,take 2 capsules before breakfast,once daily.
Matching with LingZhi Toxin-diacharged tea will result in better effect.
[Precautions]:For those patients with heart disease,myocardial impaction,liver or kidney damage,pregnant women as well as children.
[Storage]:Store in a cool,dry place,keep out of reach of children.
[Remarks]:With appropriate exercise,flabby body parts can be firmed up quickly
Contains various natural and herbal essence without any preservatives,free of medicines and heavy metals