Knee support brace Function:
1) Stimulate acupuncture points, clear the meridians and promote the bodymetabolism, and regulate the nervous system;
2) Activate endocrine, dilate blood vessels and ease the fatigue and pain ofphysical part;
3) Promote treatment for arthritis, rheumatism with better results.
4) Lowest price of high quality
5) Comfortable and uniform Elastic belt
6) Adjust our figure effectively
Applicable For:
1) People with Hyperosteogeny
2) People with Arthritis
3) People with Pain on Crus Muscle and Thigh Muscle
4) People with arthralgia and wind-damp
5) People whose legs are often under a big pressure, such as athletes,basketball players, etc.
1)People with Acute soft tissue injury, please use after 24 hours.
2)It is forbidden to be worn by people Equipped with a steel body, cardiacpacemakers and artificial limbers.
3)It is forbidden to be worn by Pregnant woman and baby.
4)Clean in water on exceed 40 degrees, no washing with detergent orbleach.