Circuit principle: The large power component discrete IGBT(IGBT tube) is adopted to convert 50/60Hz industrial frequency into high frequency (25KHZ above).Then, output large power DC source by declining the voltage, rectifying the current, and through pulse-width modulation (PWM) technology. The weight and volume of the main transformer is significantly declined and the efficiency is increased by 30% above.
Scope of application: Thin plate welding filed such as automobile, motorcycle accessories, Steel-Wood furniture, light steel structure etc.
Applicable materials: low carbon steel, high tensile steel, ordinary steel.
Complete accessory:
1 pc 3m MB-24 MIG torch, 1 set of 3m 25mm2 earth cable +earth clamp+KJO50 cable connector, 1 unit WF-21 wire feeder with 5m connect cable.
Product Advantages:
* IGBT inverter technology, current-mode control, reliable quality, stable performance.
* Closed circuit feedback, constant Voltage output.
* Electronic inductance adj, stable welding arc, little spattering, perfect welding results.
* Slow wire feeding during arc starting, burn back time built in.
* Suitable for workpiece with a thickness of more than 0.8mm.
* Small size and light weight, easy operation, economical and practical.
*Digital voltage and current meter display.
*Remoter control.
Model MIG250F
Power voltage(V) AC380V±15%
Rated input current(A) 14
Input Power(KVA) 9.2
Output current range(A) 50-250
Output voltage range(V) 14-30
Duty cycle(%) 60
Power factor 0.93
Efficiency(%) 85
Wire feeder Separated
Post flowing time(S) 1
Wire spool dia(mm) 270
Wire dia(mm) 0.8/1.0
Plate thickness(mm) 0.8 above
Insulation grade F
Housing protection grade IP21S
Weight(Kg) 23.3
Dimension(L*W*H) 500×230×420