Low Pressure Steam Boiler Furnace. It has the features of small occupation, bigger output, quick pressure and high efficiency.
Low Pressure Steam Boiler Furnace. It has the features of small occupation, bigger output, quick pressure and high efficiency.
Low Pressure Steam Boilers Furnace:
1. Low Pressure Steam Boilers FurnacePlant type: Pulp producer from forestry materials.
2. Low Pressure Steam Boilers Furnace Gas Composition: Water content is approximately 22%.
Dust emission: 50 mg/Nm3
CO emission: 0.25 mg/Nm3
For organic compounds: 50 mg/m3, expressed as carbon. Moisture: typical
3. Low Pressure Steam Boilers Furnace Steam produced: 35t/h, 450°C, 40 bar
4. Low Pressure Steam Boilers Furnace Turbine properties:
Inlet Steam parameters: Steam pressure= 40 bar
Steam temperature= 450°C
Outlet Steam parameters (superheated): Steam pressure= 3.5 barg
Steam temperature = 190°C
5. Low Pressure Steam Boilers FurnaceExcitation voltage generator is 6 kV.
6. Low Pressure Steam Boilers FurnaceWater cooling should be adopted.
7. Low Pressure Steam Boilers Furnace Scope: EP (Engineering + Procurement)
b. WHR unit for maximum power generation with condenser, turbine, generator,
automation, etc. c. Cooling system
d. Water treatment unit e. Step-up transformer
f. Plant for drying fuel
g. Silo with the eight-hour fuel supplies
h. Engineering, Drawings, Commissioning, Supervising
8. All equipments' price should be given as FOB.
9. A suggested flow sheet is given in the appendix. Technology supplier may or may not use
such an arrangement. It is up to the supplier's process solution.