Car Security - Car Remote Starter
Viper RESPONDER ONE - Viper Responder One 2-Way Remote Start System

- 2-way Remote Start System with Two 1-Button Remotes
- Remote start system with Clone-safe and Code Hopping technology
- Parking light flash for car finder feature
- Multi-channel two-way receiver
- Extreme capacity relays
- Optional defroster output
- Optional horn honk
- Designed for fuel injected, automatic transmission vehicles
- Valet mode features
- Remote Confirmation: LED
- # of Remotes: 2 Responder One 2-Way
- Range: 2,000 feet
- Security: No
- Remote Start: Yes
- Keyless Entry: Unlock while running
- SmartStart Compatible: No
- Encryption: SuperCode™
- Domelight Supervision:No
- Stinger DoubleGuard Shock Sensor: No
- Neo Revenger 6-Tone Siren: No
- Failsafe Starter Kill : Option
- Anti-Carjacking (VRS): No
- Guaranteed Protection Plan (GPP): No
- Auxiliary Channels for Optional Functions: No
- Remote Control Trunk Pop: No