*The making up and working way of the system
The heating system of villa is made up of heat-colleting device, pressure?ithstood water tank, and heat collection cycle pipeline. The temperature?ontrolled machine is used to control the starting of cycle pump, according to the temperature of heat?ollecting device, that is , cycle pump makes heat transmission medium carry out passive heat exchange between water storage tank and heat exchangers, in this way, the temperature of the water in the storage tank is gradually raised.
* The diagram of the system principle
* Advantages:
super heat?onducting vacuum heat?ollection pipe.
blue diamond, full pressure?ithstood porcelain enamel internal bag water tank
the division of heat?ollecting device and water storage tank makes the adoption of hanging type, slope carrying type, skylight type, possible, which is in harmony with building structure
the free combined modular design can satisfy the household needs of water?sing in large quantity
because of the adoption of intelligent control technology, it can be run full automatically
the design of water tank can molten into the room decoration
being run withstood pressure , it can be used freely at any time
being adopted double?oop design, the loop for heat collection can not be scaled forever. Its life is long
* immediate service
design and installment of system for no charge
transportation and delivering goods to customers for no charge
3?ear maintenance of the main parts for no charge
maintenance of the product for no charge forever