Product Description
The VF552XVT TruLED™ LCD HDTV features VIZIO Internet Apps, yourpassport to experiencing a whole new world of online content. Using thelatest wireless technology, you can easily connect to the Internet andstream movies and TV shows using the Netflix and Amazon widgets, listento your favorite music via Rhapsody and get the latest news, sports andweather through Yahoo®. The Universal Bluetooth® remote with slide outQWERTY keypad makes sending a Tweet or changing your status on Facebook abreeze. Completing the package are features such as TruLED™ with SmartDimming, 240Hz SPS, REAL 2,000,000:1 Contrast Ratio, Full 1080p highdefinition resolution and SRS audio technologies for amazing sound! TheExtreme VIZIO Technology series epitomizes what HDTV should be!