The GSM Controller RTU01 is a universal GSM dialer and controller as well as a GSM Remote Control and Alarm Unit. it provides 4 relay drivable outputs(12V-24V), 4 inputs and RS232 Serial Port. It allows you to monitor and control an alarm or remote stations or equipments or machines by SMS(Short Message Service) Or transport data between user and PLC. Another, it can transmit data from apparatus (thermometer, humidity meter, electric meter, flowmeter) to user or monitoring center by SMS(GSM DTU).
- digital inputs, connect dry contact device
- 4 relay drivable outputs(12V-24V),drive electricity <0.2A
- Reliable performance with built-in double watchdog
- Automatic device condition report through SMS every 24 hour interval
- User-defined alarm condition (normally close or open), alarm and recovery SMS message for each alarm point; Supporting drive relay output
- Maximum of 10 mobile phone numbers can be programmable
- Supporting voice monitoring
- Inside temperature sensor (optional)
- Being available for internal battery and providing power cut off alarm (optional)
- Configuration can be done via COM port.
Alarmas horgar
Gsm Coches Alarmasv
alarmas casa
alarmas oficina
casa oficina
Remote Terminal Unit
GSM Contralor
Unidad de Telemetria GSM
sistema de control remoto
Unidad Terminal Remota