Shaking Table
Kunding Shaking Table is used to classify the ore particles whose size is within 0.02-2mm, tungsten(wolfram), tin, niobium, tmanganese, chromium, titanium, lead, zinc, gold and iron(red iron, brown iron) which takes the form of slime.
Operating principle
A shaking table consists of a slightly inclined deck to which the materials are introduced at the feed box and distributed. At the same time, wash water is distributed along the banlance of the feed side from a launder. The table does a slow forward stroke and a rapid return, vibrating longitudinally by a mechanism which causes the mineral particles to "crawl" along the deck parallel to the direction of motion. The minerals are thus subjected to two forces due to the table motion and the flowing film of water at right angle to it. The net effect is that the particles move diagonally across the deck from the feed end, and since the effect of the flowing film depends upon the size and density of the particles, they will fan out on the table. The smaller denser particles ride highest towards the concentrate launder at the far end, while the larger lighter particles are washed into the tailings launder which runs along the length of the table.
Features and advantages
1. efficient and energy-saving
2. high quality and wide application
3. long service life