Metal Ring gasket is by Smithing, heat treatment and mechanicalprocessing. it is suitable for oil or gas pipe flange,pressure vessel,high speed joint face, valve with high temperature and high pressure. ithas good sealing performance even when the pressure and temperature isnot stable.the typical style r are divided into ellipse style andoctagonal style according to its cross section. the standard style rgasket is made conform to the API 6a & ASME b16,20 standard, canbear 10000psi pressure at most. the octagonal style and ellipse stylecan be interchanged in flange with trapezum groove. style rx is animprovement of style r in pressure resistant. it is a standard ringgasket suitable for all the flange sealing which is suitable for styler. style by is another item with a high pressure resistant up to15000psi. we have some different material and style which can correspondto different design and operation demand please see the following tablefor the reference of material characteristic.