1.7 * 50 pixel
2.Dimensions 43.5cm * 3.5cm * 9.8cm
3.can be displayed in English, the number and variety of Owen character, can display time, date, system image and self-image, the system symbols, and simple animation.
4.can store 99 messages.
5.supports seven kinds of fonts, including the body, bold and wide-body; also supports 66 special characters.
6.support 25 kinds of display information the way (circle upward, downward and immediately shifted to the right, left ....), The speed can be set to 8
7.with 7,000 characters of storage.
8.can set timer switch.
9.built-in real time function, can display 12-hour or 24 hour time in real time.
10.support the 30 default images, such as: telephone, car, clock, rocket, and so on.
11.supports password protected.
12.can send messages or computer with a remote control to edit the information, but also computer and network communications over strip screen