Pain Relieving Patch can relieve physical pain and is effective on local cooling. It can smooth the pain associated with common sports injuries, sprain, cataclasis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, arthritis, and the contusion of soft tissue, etc.
Warm Patch
Characteristic: Relief of pains and aches of muscles or joints associated sprain. Such as sport injury, rheumatic arthritis and scapulohumeral periarthritis, etc. The healing ingredients can be quickly absorbed into skin to stimulate the blood circulation and relief pain. It is easy to apply and painless to remove with no residues.
Usage &direction: Simply peel off the protective film and attach to the pain area. Using it before sleep will be more effective.
Cooling Patch: Cold patchis a soft, flexible gel patch that provides instant cool feeling with effective ingredients. It adopts cold therapy to relieve pain, and reduce bleeding, swelling with no need for refrigeration.
Direction: Simply peel off the protective film and attach to the pain area when you get hurt. Please avoid placing the patch on the damage skin area.