8 Inch IR high speed dome Camera
A scientific delicate and upmarket design achieves a value-adding for this (TOYANI) outdoor IR high speed dome camera! R&D by PROTRULY top international technique team strive to excellence from technical to case design! Such series high speed dome be called intelligent domes on the market price of a well-deserved respect.
27X zoom camera color to B/W with IR-CUT switch realize IR lamp control and zoom camera IR CUT swich synchronization reach to perfect IR night effect.
Double Case protect Camera device continuing work temperature lower than 50 C
Use high quality components high&minute substep into TV long life Conductive slip ring High-quality Belts Stable operation high reliability.
adopted domestic the most advanced zoom and optics sync way control IR lamp in effect solve electric torch domino offect original creation intelligent control IR lamp on and off utilize IR light source in reason
Design special camera IR lamp sub-depot separate system no sphere case glisten fogging malady.
Constant voltage constant current circuit design,ensure IR lamp work in