Motorized Treadmill
Intelligent music motorized treadmill with massager
Enjoy music&sports at the same time
Reach the relaxa...
Function & Features:
1. Roll massage for the neck, shoulder, back, waist;
2. Air pressure massage for the seat, calf and foot, arm;
3. Four different program for automatic modes;
4. Six different program for manual modes (kneading, Knocking, Shiatshu, Flapping, Kneading & knocking) ;
5. Three ways of massage (full body, part and point) ;
6. Input heater for waist and foot;
7. Memory mode for program;
8. MP3 music playing by USB;
9. Speed, width and strength can be adjusted by manual modes;
10. Vibration for seat;
11. The footrest and backrest can be lift up and down;
12. Louder speaker for music.