We are often used together with silica fume and concrete. When it is in concrete, it acts as a cementing material and as a filler. Small silica fume particles fill spaces between cement particles and past a cement base and aggregation between the particles. The combination of silica fume also the formation of pozzolanic reaction, by increasing the calcium hydrate and calcium hydroxide. Both the intensive and more powerful the results of actions and less permeable material.
Application range: 10-15% high-strength structural columns
10% Flatwork
8-10%, high durability / low permeability, such as bridge or parking structure
8-15% of cement weight increased, but not as an alternative
Micro-silica powder has been used as specific to the 15 percent of cement weight In addition, although the normal ratio of 7 to 10 percent. With 15% In addition, the potential is very strong, brittle concrete. It adds a specific mix of water demand, however, less than 5% dose rates usually do not require water-reducing agent. The high replacement rate would require the use of a superplasticizer.
Function by adding silica fume (microsilica):
Increased durability
reduce the permeability of concrete
Improved corrosion resistance
Spray - Low rebound
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag